International Journal of Žižek Studies - Special Issue - Žižek's Theology

Table of Contents


Special Articles


Žižek, Milbank, and the Broken Middle English
Marcus Pound
From a Perverse to a Suffering God – On Slavoj Žižek’s Materialist Reading of G.K. Chesterton English
Mads Peter Karlsen
Wrestling with Angels: Or How to Avoid Decisionist Messianic Romances English
Jayne Svenungsson
Žižek’s Atheist Theology English
Daniel R Boscaljon
Religion and Revolution: Slavoj Žižek’s Challenge to Liberation Theology English
Thomas Lynch
The Unbearable Truth of the Image: Žižek’s Iconoclastic Reading of Iconoclasm and Peter Brown’s Holy Man English
Dan Webb
Christian Experience Continues: On Žižek’s Work Since "The Parallax View" English
Adam Kotsko
Comic Subjectivity: Žižek and Zupančič’s Spiritual Work of Art English
Marcus Pound  




Mild Curry, Mildly Queer: India, Sex, and Slavoj Žižek Abstract English
Tara Atluri
Techne and Mysticism: Courting Psychosis? Abstract English
Daniel Hourigan
The Horror of the Real: Žižek’s Modern Gothic Abstract English
Benjamin Noys


Reviews and Debates

Excerpts from "Zizek and the Media" English
Paul Taylor
Recension d’Autour de Slavoj Žižek: Psychanalyse, Marxisme, Idéalisme Allemand Français
Benoît Guillette
A modest plea for a Chestertonian reading of The Monstrosity of Christ English
Marika Rose
The Self-Annihilation of God English
Thomas J.J. Altizer


Student Contributions

The Ticklish Review Abstract English
Jason Wakefield
ʻWhat seems it is and in such seeming all things are': A dialogue between Terry Pratchett and Slavoj Zizek Abstract English
Andrew Rayment