Catalog day is always an exciting day at AK Press. After several weeks of frantically updating our databases and scanning covers and making sure all the good new stuff is in stock, not to mention the joys of playing with cover fonts and the pains of fighting with computer programs, we finally get to see the awesome catalog that we’ll be mailing out to you all and putting out on our tables for the next six months!
Besides all the new, forthcoming, and recommended titles, this catalog also includes excerpts from two upcoming books—Autonomy, Solidary, Possibility: The Colin Ward Reader and Peace, Love & Petrol Bombs. Plus, since last year’s was such a hit, we’ve included a 2011 pull-out calendar in the center spread—this time featuring Josh MacPhee’s cover art from our gorgeous Work: 2011 Calendar.
If you’ve bought anything from us online or signed up for our mailing list in the last couple of years, you should be receiving one of these beauties in your mailbox any day now. If you’re not already on our mailing list, you can order a print copy of the catalog here. And for now, if you’re the type who prefers to look at this sort of thing on a computer screen—or the type who demands instant gratification—check out the catalog on Scribd, where you can browse it, download it, or share it online to your heart’s content.
Want to help us get these babies out into the world? If you’ve got a good spot for some catalogs (your local cafe? library? show space? community center?), just e-mail, and we’ll make sure you get a stack!
AK Press 2011 Catalog