International Journal of Žižek Studies - Backstory: Previously Published Material - Vol 1, No 0 (2007)



From the Spectacular Act to the Vanishing Act: Badiou, Žižek, and the Politics of Lacanian Theory Abstract English
Adrian Johnston
Cinema as the Royal Path of the Unconscious - On Žižek's Pervert's Guide to Cinema Abstract English Hrvatski
Srecko Horvat
The Cynic’s Fetish: Slavoj Žižek and the Dynamics of Belief English
Adrian Johnston
Revulsion is not without its subject: Kant, Lacan, Žižek and the Symptom of Subjectivity Abstract English
Adrian Johnston
There is Truth, and then there are truths—or, Slavoj Žižek as a Reader of Alain Badiou Abstract English
Adrian Johnston
A postmodernist response to 9-11: Slavoj Žižek, or the jouissance of an abstract Hegelian Abstract English
Walter A. Davis
Why Žižek? Learning Mathematics, Training Teachers, Setting Policies Abstract English
Tony Brown  


Interviews and Lectures

Why Only an Atheist Can Believe: Politics on the Edge of Fear and Trembling English
Slavoj Žižek
Žižek! - A Conversation with Paul A. Taylor for Kritikos English
Paul A. Taylor
The Importance of Žižek's Thought English Hrvatski
Paul A. Taylor
The Pervert's Guide To Cinema English Hrvatski
Sophie Fiennes
The Reality of the Virtual English Hrvatski
Ben Wright


Resources and News

Online Resources in English English
Paul A. Taylor
Enlaces Externos en Español Español
Paul A. Taylor